Friday, May 24, 2013

Cucumber, Serpent Armenian

Cucumber, Serpent Armenian

64 days. Long, slim, green fruits sometimes reach a length of 4’; and coil into realistic snake-like shapes. Tastes like a cucumber, but is actually a variety of muskmelon. They’re very mild in taste and many people who can’t eat cukes can eat….

Cucumber, Serpent Armenian

Thursday, May 23, 2013

My Square Foot Garden


My Second Trial

My First SFG BoxJust recently while surfing the web I came across this video about Square Foot Gardening. This 30 minute video gives a great presentation on SFG by Mel Bartholomew himself.

Working with the garden planner really got me interested in doing something. I decided to make a test box….soil and compost.

My Square Foot Garden

My Square Foot Garden


My first experience

It was several years ago when I first encountered information on Square Foot Gardening. I checked out Mel's website to learn more and decided to try it myself. …I never was much for following directions real well and this was no exception. As I started my work I decided not to build individual boxes 4' x 4'….

Again based on my budget I filled these frames with a mix of garden soil and my home made compost. Then I decided I didn't need to make a grid to plant. I can just space them the way they need to be. What I ended up with was 2 rows of vegetablesMy Vegetable Garden

My Square Foot Garden

Lotus Frog Waterfall Fountain


Lotus Frog Waterfall Fountain
Lotus Frog Waterfall Fountain

This beautiful waterfall fountain can be the inspiration to decorative any outdoor area.  Water flows from lily pad to lily pad, all while illuminated in a beautiful light.  A frog sits upon the very top lily pad, almost watching the water flow through the fountain.

Lotus Frog Waterfall Fountain

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Gemini Waterfall Fountain


Gemini Waterfall Fountain
Gemini Waterfall Fountain

Made of durable fiberglass, the Gemini Waterfall Fountain has the appearance of a a fallen log turned into a water feature found in nature. This charming and intriguing fountain will make a wonderful focal point for your garden setting! Enjoy the soothing benefits the moving water will add to your environment!

Gemini Waterfall Fountain

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Electric Weed Wackers Versus Gas


Weed TrimmersIt's long been held that electric weed wackers are for light duty tidying around the borders, a bit of edge trimming, that kind of thing. Get into tough weeds - or anywhere further than a few yards from the house - and you need a gas-powered weed eater. But is that still the case?

If you only have a small plot, or the most you'll be doing is tidying the driveway, electric weed eaters are all you need. They are inexpensive, light weight, quiet and there's a huge amount of choice. For twenty or thirty dollars you can get something that will give you years of service.

Electric Weed Wackers Versus Gas

Saturday, May 18, 2013

A Look At Tillers For Your Gardening Adventures


A garden tiller is a tool that people use to break up hard earth for a new garden or to recondition the soil in an established one. These tillers have rotary blades that slowly churn the soil, which aerates and evenly redistribute the nutrients in it. Some gardeners choose to add materials to the soil before tilling. This is one way of adjusting a soil's alkaline or acid composition. Since nutrients are

A Look At Tillers For Your Gardening Adventures

Friday, May 17, 2013

Cottage Gardens


Cottage Gardens | Design of English Cottage Gardens

Cottage gardens have been popularized by the likes of Thomas Kinkade and Claude Monet. But this article explores the question, Just what is an English cottage garden -- from a ...

Cottage Gardens | Design of English Cottage Gardens

The Garden Swap