Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Coral Bells - Delta Dawn


Coral Bells - Delta Dawn

Coral Bells - Delta Dawn

Coral Bell with Exceptional Foliage Delta Dawn is a variety of Coral Bells with exceptional foliage color.  It would be perfect for those shady spots in your yard where you need something small yet colorful.  It would also make a lovely border along your sidewalk or entryway.

Coral Bells - Delta Dawn

The Garden Swap

Monday, March 30, 2015

Endless Summer Hydrangea

 The Original Endless Summer Hydrangea

The Original Endless Summer Hydrangea

Ornamental Shrub with Huge flowers The Original Endless Summer Hydrangea, Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bailmer', is an ornamental shrub prized for its outstanding flowers. Hydrangeas make terrific foundation plantings, or you can place one near your front door or patio so you won’t miss any of its spectacular display.

Endless Summer Hydrangea

The Garden Swap

Monday, March 23, 2015

White Dutch Clover

 White Dutch Clover

Builds up nitrogen and enriches soil! Used in lawns, as a ground cover, cover crop, for erosion control and in pastures. Will come back each year denser and thicker, but can be tilled under when you are ready to plant.

White Dutch Clover

The Garden Swap

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Walk on Me Plant

 Walk on Me Plant

Walk-On-Me Plant is a creeping thyme that grows only 3'' tall. (Also called Mother of Thyme). Plant around flagstones or for a decorative, dense-growing ground cover. Walk on it and the whole area will be filled with the aromatic smell of fresh thyme

Walk on Me Plant

The Garden Swap

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Three Seasons Garden

 Three Seasons Garden

We are pleased to bring you this fabulous three season garden which begins blooming in the spring, continues throughout the summer and into the fall. It features ten old-fashioned favorites to add beauty to your landscape for many years.

Three Seasons Garden

The Garden Swap

Friday, March 20, 2015

Sub Zero Ivy

 Sub Zero Ivy

Grows in the shade! Evergreen Sub-Zero Ivy is the perfect planting to give you lush green ground cover or climbing ivy. It rapidly spreads to cover banks, bare spots and under trees and shrubs. Tolerates smoky city conditions.

Sub Zero Ivy

The Garden Swap

Thursday, March 19, 2015

White Sage Seeds

White Sage Seeds

White Sage seeds for sale. White sage has many herbal uses. Average germination of 25-50% (this is normal for sage seed).

White Sage Seeds

The Garden Swap

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Home Vegetable Gardening

In the current economic situation many people have decided to start growing their own vegetables to save money. In a recent radio show it was reported this may not be true. The cost of fertilizer, plant food, and insecticides plus the time it takes to tend the garden could end up costing more in the long run. In order to get fresher vegetables without the work visit your local farmers market.
Home Vegetable Gardening
The Garden Swap

Monday, March 16, 2015

Outdoor Living

 Outdoor Living
With the downturn of the economy in recent years more effort is being put into making homes and yards a more enjoyable place. 
outdoor living
The Garden Swap

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Creeping Phlox

 Creeping Phlox
The Creeping Phlox grows about 4 inches tall, stays green all year (in mild climates) and gives masses of color in early spring
Creeping Phlox
The Garden Swap

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Snow in Summer

 Snow in Summer
Snow in Summer is our favorite white ground cover. Each and every spring, people passing by will stop and stare at your yard and its magnificent drifts of white flowers. Grows only 4-6'' tall.
Snow in Summer
The Garden Swap

My Square Foot Garden

My Square Foot Garden: "Update: 03/14/2015
We did not update this as often as we should have. Over all last years success was a bit disappointing but considering the circumstances we can't really complain.
During the winter months we've repaired or replaced some of the SFG beds and worked the soil by digging out roots and amending with compost. I'm putting more effort into this than the SFG method dictates but old habits are sometimes hard to break."

'via Blog this'

Friday, March 13, 2015

Red Wind Forest Grass

 Red Wind Forest Grass

Red Wind Forest Grass is an attractive, nicely mounded soft green grass through the summer. But in fall, when the weather cools, the leaves come alive with gorgeous burgundy and reds.

Red Wind Forest Grass

The Garden Swap

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Purple Ice Plant

Purple Ice Plant

One of the finest drought-resistant ground covers available. Succulent foliage reaches only 3'' high and has daisy-like 2'' flowers that are a wonderful shade of rosy-purple.

Purple Ice Plant

The Garden Swap

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Peacock Plumbago

 Peacock Plumbago

The Peacock Plumbago brightens up the late summer garden like a peacock spreading its green and blue tail. This low growing 6-8 inch high perennial is one of the most desirable of all late blooming, hardy plants.

Peacock Plumbago

The Garden Swap

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Orange Glory Butterfly Plant

 Orange Glory Butterfly Plant

Few flowers have more decorative value in the summer garden than the Orange Glory Butterfly plant. It blooms continuously from June to August. Will start blooming this summer and…

Orange Glory Butterfly Plant

The Garden Swap

Monday, March 9, 2015

Nearly Wild Rose

 Nearly Wild Rose

This will remind you of the romantic wild roses that once grew in abundance along the country roadsides. Like the wild rose, Nearly Wild requires almost no care. It is vigorous-growing, spreads rapidly and is exceedingly hardy

Nearly Wild Rose

The Garden Swap

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Mediterranean Pinks

 Mediterranean Pinks

One of the easiest ground covers to grow; Mediterranean Pinks are a creeping plant that reaches only 4-6'' high. Its creeping nature makes it a perfect plant to use over rocks, banks or low walls.

Mediterranean Pinks

The Garden Swap

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Irish Moss

 Irish Moss

Irish Moss forms a lush emerald green carpet of moss-like foliage with delicate white flowers in midsummer. Hardy enough for sunny or shady locations. Flowers bloom on short 2-4'' stalks. Irish Moss is just the ground cover you need for rock gardens and planting between stepping stones or pavers. Stays green all year.

Irish Moss

The Garden Swap

Friday, March 6, 2015

Improved Golden Sedum

 Improved Golden Sedum

One of the finest ground covers for sunny dry slopes and banks. The Improved Gold Sedum has masses of yellow star-shaped flowers that cover it in late spring and early summer.

Improved Golden Sedum

The Garden Swap

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Ground Cover Daylily

 Ground Cover Daylily

A splendid, ''hands-off'' cover for steep slopes, banks and other hard-to-mow areas. The Ground Cover Daylily flourishes even in wooded areas and near streams. Plant along roadways, walks, drives and fences. One Ground Cover Daylily will produce 50 or more charming 4-5'' blooms a season

Ground Cover Daylily

The Garden Swap

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Fantasy Pink Ground Cover Rose

 Fantasy Pink Ground Cover Rose

Give your landscape a whole new look with our Fantasy Ground Cover Roses. Extremely disease-resistant roses are among the easiest roses to grow. Each Fantasy Ground Cover Rose has wonderful displays of prolific blooms that measure up to 3'' across.

Fantasy Pink Ground Cover Rose

The Garden Swap

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Fairy Pink Cushion Rose

Fairy Pink Cushion Rose

More bloom and more color with less work than any other rose in the world. Rated excellent by the American Rose Society, this is the perfect rose for home gardeners - needs almost no care an

Fairy Pink Cushion Rose

The Garden Swap

Monday, March 2, 2015

Crown Vetch


Lovely pink/white blooms to beautify slopes and problem areas from June through September. To cover steep slopes, poor soil trouble areas, stream or pond banks where erosion control is needed, there's no better and prettier ground cover to use than House of Wesley's Carefree Beauty Crown Vetch. Sub-zero hardy to 40 degrees below…

Crown Vetch

The Garden Swap

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Creeping Wintergreen

 Creeping Wintergreen

Delightfully aromatic foliage and year round color make Creeping Wintergreen a favorite ground cover for partial to full shaded areas. Produces white flowers lightly tinted with pink in spring.

Creeping Wintergreen

The Garden swap