Saturday, March 31, 2018

Christmas Fern-3 root divisions

Christmas Fern-3 root divisionsChristmas Fern-3 root divisions: "Botanical Name. Polystichum acrostichoides Description. The Christmas fern grows to about 18 inches tall and wide with all of the fronds emerging from a central crown. As the plant ages - it produces more fronds - but the usual number is about 20 on the typical plant. Given go  od growing conditions - plants produce many more fronds than youll see in the wild. The base of the frond and the central crown is covered with brown - scruffy scales. The fronds are pinnately compound - meaning there is a central axis with the individual leaflets - pinnae in fern lingo - - produced at right angles down its length. The pinnae are 2 inches long - but get proportionally smaller as you move down the midrib. Typical pinnae have a thumb-like lobe at the top - giving it a mitten-like appearance. Ferns prefer shade with indirect sunlight and high humidity. Moist - well-drained soil."

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Friday, March 30, 2018

Franz Hals Daylily-3 root divisions

Franz Hals Daylily-3 root divisionsFranz Hals Daylily-3 root divisions: "Botanical Name. Hemerocallis Description. One of the most unusual daylilies you can plant - this prolific bloomer has rich terracotta petals with lemon yellow midribs - framed by bright apricot sepals for a delightful multicolor display in the mid to late summer garden. Narrow - glossy green foliage provides the perfect foil to the brilliant blooms. Vigorous and pest-resistant - Daylily Franz Hals can reach 36- tall - studded for weeks on end with vibrant blooms refreshed daily - up to 50 gorgeous flowers over the season. Plant them in beds and borders - or en masse for a riot of color in late summer - youll have a bounty of blooms for colorful indoor bouquets too. We ship 1 grade divisions - guaranteed to flourish in your garden."

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Thursday, March 29, 2018

Campsis Radicans Climbing Vine-1 pre-started plant

Campsis Radicans Climbing Vine-1 pre-started plantCampsis Radicans Climbing Vine-1 pre-started plant: "Cannot ship to the following states. AZ - CA - FL - OR - WA Botanical Name. Polygonum Aubertii Description. Silver lace vine is one of the fastest growing of all vines and are fairly fool-proof. In August and September it produces lacy plumes of small creamy white flowers that are very attractive and fragrant. It prefers sandy - fast-draining soil and plenty of sun. Growing 20 feet the first season - it will cover large expanses of wall in just two seasons. Clings easily to any support and will not harm shingles or wood siding."

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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Alfred Grille Cactus Dahlia-3 root divisions - $7.71

Alfred Grille Cactus Dahlia-3 root divisionsAlfred Grille Cactus Dahlia-3 root divisions: "Botanical Name. Dahlia Description. A select hybrid that that stands out in any garden. Plants are vigorous - growing well over 3 feet high - and bloom with abandon from midsummer through fall. Blossoms have true cactus form with long petals combining rose and yellow shades. Very full - excellent to cut for the vase or to dry for use in the winter. Lift at frost. Order today and plant plenty of these spectacular flowers."

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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

911 Clematis -1 pre-started plant

911 Clematis -1 pre-started plant911 Clematis -1 pre-started plant: "Cannot ship to the following states. AZ - CA - FL - OR - WA Botanical Name. Clematis Description. This striking clematis is one of our favorites for reliable early summer color. Impressive 4-6- blooms have crepe-like petals with a flirtatious ruffle on the pale pink edges - and a strong stripe of rich magenta pink down the centers. The compact plant grows only to 4-6 tall - lush with bright green foliage - and studded with colorful blooms in May and June. Great for rambling over low walls - its also perfect for containers planted with a short trellis. Festival clematis trains easily and remains manageable - flourishing in most garden conditions. Our robust 2-year plants are shipped in 2.5- square po  ts 5- deep - guaranteed to thrive in your garden next summer."

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Monday, March 26, 2018

Mixed Cannas-3 root divisions - $12.95

Mixed Cannas-3 root divisionsMixed Cannas-3 root divisions: "Botanical Name. Cannaceae Description. Extravagant flowers in a bright color palette create a tropical paradise in the summer garden. Blooming from early June until autumn - these exotic plants provide nonstop color for the landscape - and a bountiful stream of cut flowers to decorate indoor spaces as well. Our value-packed Growers Mix of Cannas are carefully selected to give a range of colorful blooms - carried on strong stems 2-4 high. Foliage is also an attractive addition to the garden - with broad leaves in a range of green hues - some splashed with ivory and other colors. Plant our premium 3- to 5-eye tubers and youre guaranteed a spectacular display."

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Sunday, March 25, 2018

Burning Ember Dwarf Canna-3 root divisions - $24.84

Burning Ember Dwarf Canna-3 root divisionsBurning Ember Dwarf Canna-3 root divisions: "Botanical Name. Cannaceae Description. Spectacular color effect. Burning Ember combines large - burnt-orange blossoms with dark bronze foliage for a planting that glows like a low fire in the summer sun. Burning Ember plants are the perfect size for the smaller modern yards. Perfect too for growing in containers to provide a splash of tropical foliage and bloom on a sunny patio - deck - or balcony. We ship 3- to 5-eye roots that assure a great show of flowers. Order today and plant plenty of colorful - carefree Cannas."

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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Rosalie Lance Leaved Caladium-3 tubers - $6.99

Rosalie Lance Leaved Caladium-3 tubersRosalie Lance Leaved Caladium-3 tubers: "Botanical Name. Caladium hortulanum Height. 6 to 12 inches Description. Like its famous parent - Candidum Junior has snow white leaves marked with deep green ribs - veins - and narrow border trim-very striking and almost luminous in deep shade or moonlight. A must for every garden. Its short stature - 6 to 12 inches - adds to Candidum versatility. Candidum Jr. is at home in rock gardens - low borders - or fronting beds and borders - and it is ideal for growing in pots or planters. Order Candidum Junior and enjoy a summer-long display of elegant beauty."

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Friday, March 23, 2018

Europa Astilbe-3 root divisions

Europa Astilbe-3 root divisionsEuropa Astilbe-3 root divisions: "Botanical Name. Astilbe japonica Description. Big light pastel pink flower plumes are very feathery and full. Especially lovely when in deep shade - the blooms seem to light up. Flower fronds are carried on mounds of fern-like foliage. Easy to grow in the garden - and excellent cut flowers fresh or dried."

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Thursday, March 22, 2018

The Admiral Anemone coronaria-25 bulbs - $7.19

The Admiral Anemone coronaria-25 bulbsThe Admiral Anemone coronaria-25 bulbs: "Botanical Name. Anemonen coronaria Description. Fast growing and free-blooming - this splendid flower graces the garden with glossy green - very attractive foliage and double pure white flowers with green button center. Also known as poppy anemone - it grows 8-10 inches tall - is an excellent cut flower and superb in containers. Plantings attract butterflies and deer leave them alone. *Please soak bulbs in lukewarm water for a few hours prior to planting to wake them up."

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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Mixed Freesia-25 bulbs - $4.69

Mixed Freesia-25 bulbsMixed Freesia-25 bulbs: "Botanical Name. Freesia Description. Long grown as a cut-flower favorite - these hybrid freesia make fabulous additions to your spring garden. Plants grow up to 16 inches - and are studded throughout spring with brightly colored - tubular flowers that hummingbirds love. Delicious scent."

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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Sunset Picotee On Top« Begonia-3 tubers - $7.99

Sunset Picotee On Top« Begonia-3 tubersSunset Picotee On Top« Begonia-3 tubers: "Botanical Name. AmeriHybrid« Begonia tuberosa Description. These are the best container-suitable begonias ever produced. They are tough - early - compact - heat tolerant and feature and exceptionally long blooming perion. On Tops« are extraordinarily floriferous and their unique mounding habit makes them ideal for both upright and hanging basket containers. The Sunset features blooms of yellow - edged in red."

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Monday, March 19, 2018

Noordwijks Glory Decorative Dahlia-3 root divisions - $7.86

Noordwijks Glory Decorative Dahlia-3 root divisionsNoordwijks Glory Decorative Dahlia-3 root divisions: "Botanical Name. Dahlia Description. A highly decorative dahlia with tall - vigorous growth and plentiful - 5-inch flowers of a soft bronze orange. Delicate color - classic form - and large bloom size make it a favorite in the garden and for cutting. Blooms over a long period from midsummer into fall - bringing fresh new color to the garden when it needs it most. We ship premium tubers that guarantee spectacular plants. Order today and plant plenty of dahlias for easy yet extravagant summer and fall color."

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Sunday, March 18, 2018

Blue Shades Anemone blanda-25 bulbs - $5.31

Blue Shades Anemone blanda-25 bulbsBlue Shades Anemone blanda-25 bulbs: "Botanical Name. Anemonen Description. Cute - colorful - and carefree. Also known as Grecian windflowers - Anemone Blanda Blue Shades produces light blue - daisy-like flowers with pale yellow centers on 3-4 inch stems. Plants bloom at mid spring and are excellent for layering under and around daffodils and tulips in mixed bulb beds. Easy to grow in planters and pots. Very hardy - the bulbs will naturalize readily and bloom year after year. Planted in larger drifts they form a spectacular spring ground cover. Up  to 6 inches tall. *Please soak bulbs in lukewarm water for a few hours prior to planting to wake them up."

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Saturday, March 17, 2018

Elvira Hardy Gladiolus-5 bulbs $2.95

Elvira Hardy Gladiolus-5 bulbsElvira Hardy Gladiolus-5 bulbsBotanical Name: Gladiolus nanus
Description: Elvira is a taller member of the nanus group and loaded with charms. Pastel pink blooms with red markings are carried on 28- to 34-inch stems. Blooms open in early summer and are fetchingly pretty. Despite her delicate appearance she is hardy and will winter over in the ground, especially if protected by mulch. Plant with other bulbs such as Dutch iris. Grow them in sunny planters, and cut stems for lovely tabletop bouquets. Order plenty. If you don't, you'll wish you had."

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Friday, March 16, 2018

Kelvin Floodlight Decorative Dahlia-3 root divisions - $8.61

Kelvin Floodlight Decorative Dahlia-3 root divisionsKelvin Floodlight Decorative Dahlia-3 root divisions: "Botanical Name. Dahlia Description. -Floodlight- is the perfect name for this big - bright bloomer. Though the plants are a moderate 3 feet tall - the blooms are huge - as much as a full 9 inches across. When they open - the garden lights up - flooded with gleaming yellow against a backdrop of lush - deep green foliage. A must for sunny borders - order Floodlight for your garden right now. We ship plump premium tubers that are primed to grow."

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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Blaze Fancy Leaved Caladium-3 tubers - $4.99

Blaze Fancy Leaved Caladium-3 tubersBlaze Fancy Leaved Caladium-3 tubers: "Botanical Name. Caladium hortulanum Description. Glossy leaves are bright red with a narrow edge of green - and distinct veining creates a dramatic splash of vibrant color in your shadiest locations. Growing only a foot high - this fancy leaf caladium is ideal for container plantings - performs beautifully - even in hanging baskets. Use along shady walkways or as an accent of color amid green ferns or groundcovers. Our top-grade tubers guarantee your success."

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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Atom Hardy Gladiolus-5 bulbs - $2.95

Atom Hardy Gladiolus-5 bulbsAtom Hardy Gladiolus-5 bulbs: "Botanical Name. Gladiolus nanus Description. Atom was introduced in 1946 when the world was learning and marveling at things atomic. This nanus hybrid grows only 2-.50 feet tall with a vase-like form and produces clusters of vivid red flowers with white picotee edges. Excellent for potting - rock gardens - or in small groups here and there in the garden. It is quite hardy and can winter over and bloom the next spring."

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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Pink Halo Picotee On Top« Begonia-3 tubers - $7.99

Pink Halo Picotee On Top« Begonia-3 tubersPink Halo Picotee On Top« Begonia-3 tubers: "Botanical Name. AmeriHybrid« Begonia tuberosa Description.These are the best container-suitable begonias ever produced. They are tough - early - compact - heat tolerant and feature and exceptionally longblooming perion. On Tops« are extraordinarily floriferous and theirunique mounding habit makes them ideal for both upright and hangingbasket containers. The Pink Halo features blooms of white - edged inpink."

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Monday, March 12, 2018

Pink Ruffled Begonia-3 tubers - $7.99

Pink Ruffled Begonia-3 tubersPink Ruffled Begonia-3 tubers: "Botanical Name. AmeriHybrid« Begonia tuberosa Description. The most superior strain in all the Kingdom of Begonia. AmeriHybrids give you bigger flowers - more of them - sumptuous form - and incredible glowing colors. This lovely selection blooms in a vibrant - rich pink through July and August - keeping the lush 12- to 20-inch mounded plants continually covered in flowers. The flowers are fully double with a nice ruffle along the petal edges. Plant in any partially to fully-shaded garden location. Pot them up for portable color. Sweeten the patio ambience with a planter of pinks. Wonderful - too - combined with yellows and reds. They are easy to grow and richly rewarding. We ship premium 1-.50- to 1-.75- bulbs that assure lavish displays. Order today for lush tropical color this summer."

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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Spirea Vanhouttei

Spirea VanhoutteiSpirea Vanhouttei: "The Spiraea Vanhouttei, Spiraea x vanhouttei, has a foliage color of a dull bluish green. The flowers are white in April-May, borne in many flowered 1-2" diameter umbels. The lovely white flowers form on the branch tips, and they are produced before the fine textured leaves!

A newer version of the Bridal Wreath, Spiraea Vanhouttei is an outstanding deciduous shrub that matures to 6'-8' with a  spread of 4'-6'.It grows rapidly and may be used as a screen, in groupings, for borders, or as a foundation plant."

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Monday, March 5, 2018

Blue Point Juniper

Blue Point JuniperBlue Point Juniper | Nature Hills Nursery: "When you think of a classic evergreen shrub that stands watch by a doorway, or gives weight to the corners of a border, you are thinking of the Blue Point Juniper. Formal, but not rigid, Blue Point takes what is best of a background evergreen and showcases it.

The color stays an exceptional blue-green year-round providing a perfect stage for more colorful annuals and perennials. The shape is naturally a soft pyramid, but Blue Point takes a good shearing like a pro and can be shaped any way you would like. Many of Nature Hills customers train Blue Point into a spiral or a formal cone."

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Sunday, March 4, 2018

Little Gem Norway Spruce

Little Gem Norway SpruceLittle Gem Norway Spruce: "We know that you hate to prune. It’s a chore. It’s hard to get everything even. It makes a mess. Well, we’re happy to report that with Little Gem Norway Spruce (Picea abies ‘Little Gem’) you never have to prune again!

Little Gem is an evergreen that is prized for its low-growing and slow-growing nature. The deep green needles make it look like a dense, naturally round puff ball that tops out at 18” tall. The slow growth means that it is virtually maintenance free - no coddling necessary!"

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Saturday, March 3, 2018

Goldflame Spiraea

Goldflame SpireaGoldflame Spiraea: "The Spiraea ‘Gold Flame’, Spiraea x bumalda, is a dense, upright, compact, mounded deciduous shrub which typically grows to 2-4' tall, with a similar spread.

The narrow leaves emerge in spring in shades of copper, rust, and yellow, turning to a medium green during summer, and then becoming a brilliant flame color in the fall.

Lovely pink flowers bloom profusely in small corymbs and cover the arching stems of this plant in late spring which attracts butterflies. The flowers and leaves all appear on the same side of the arching branches!"

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Friday, March 2, 2018

American Holly Tree

American HollyAmerican Holly Tree : "The American Holly (Ilex opaca) also called the White Holly or Christmas Holly, is the most familiar holly.  It is a small tree or shrub with striking evergreen foliage that's perfect for a privacy hedge.

The American Holly is easy to identify. It has thick, smooth, dark green, spiny leaves that are a yellowish green underneath. Unlike some hollies, the American Holly keeps its foliage from top to bottom for the life of the tree. It can easily reach a height of 50' with a 35' spread.

Great for a privacy hedge and noise barrier, but its natural pyramidal shape also makes it a perfect ornamental tree for any yard for full sun to part shade."

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Thursday, March 1, 2018

Natural Egg Dye from Vegetables

Natural egg dyeNatural Egg Dye from Vegetables: "Pile up carrots, artichokes, beets, red cabbage, and onions on your counter— but not for dinner—for dying eggs! Working with vegetable dyes is an easy and natural way to dye Easter eggs this year, and it doesn’t take more than an hour!"

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